Management and collection of receivables
Our factoring company ensures receivable management and collection, including all administrative work, which will allow you to focus on your production or business activities. Thanks to our sophisticated receivable and collection management systems, as well as an automatic reminder sending system, you can expect a faster and better collection of your receivables. We also provide you with detailed statistical information and actual or period overviews.
Product advantages:
- You can fully focus on your business - Factoring České spořitelny takes care of all your receivables from origin to collection
- Automatic reminder sending system to customers with overdue payments.
- No more language and time limits when communicating with foreign customers.
- Up-to-date overview of payment discipline of your customers thanks to on-line connection to secured internet pages - eFactoring
- Factoring České spořitelny is an impartial party with banking background
- Decrease of personal and administrative costs for dynamically expanding companies